Kaleidoscopic Confusion

Exploring cosmic mysteries through unconscious dreams

15.10.20 - 04.11.20

Exploring the unconscious, dreams and nightmares, this exhibition attempts to make sense of the senseless. Showcasing the works of 10 RMIT fine art students; Stephanie Jook, Heejoo Park, Lu-An Shih, Tara Baker, Wensi Sun, Qianhui Li, Brody Gleeson, Jessica Olofsson, Yeeun Lee and Meg Godfrey, Kaleidoscopic Confusion is a celebration of dreams and the imagined.
The title, Kaleidoscopic Confusion, suggests a portal into a different place, encouraging viewers to step through, or look through, the kaleidoscope offered. It recognises the different styles of the featured artists, kaleidoscopic and brilliant to look at all together. Furthermore, it acknowledges the disorientation of dreams and encourages viewers to allow their minds to wander and accept the confusion and complexity of peering into others’ dreams, giving them a space for imagination and cognition.
Dreams offer a space to explore our imagination and be free, often allowing one to surrender to the fabricated world and not question the flow of reality. They can warp time, spaces, and people beyond recognition, causing confusion or distress. In a dream, everything seems real until one wakes, however the first few moments upon waking can be disorienting and anxiety ridden. While in these dreamt spaces, there can be a presence of anxiety, pain, and suffering, tormenting the individual. This exhibition delves into these concepts and ways dreams can affect an individual both during the dream and in life afterwards.
The works presented in this exhibition explore a vast range of themes relating to dreams and the unconscious, ranging from nightmares and disorientation to the process of healing and evolving. They investigate the distortion of reality and the warping of timelines that can occur while also considering the freedom of dreams. Using a variety of mediums and techniques, the artists have expressed their interpretations of dreams in a variety of pieces, some atmospheric, some harsh and direct and some expressionistic.

Stephanie Jook

Tara Baker

Brody Gleeson

Heejoo Park

Wensi Sun

Jessica Olofsson

Meg Godfrey

Lu-An Shih

Qianhui Li

Yeeun Lee