The Power of Black Synchrony

Research Question

How has synchrony helped Black Americans fight for equality in the U.S. within the last century?

Problem Statement

The purpose of this presentation is to present both some of the tribulations of the Black American and how the Black American has fought back their oppressors by working together with their community.

Argument Claim

Through the synchronous action and thought, revolution to the degree of past movements can be brought to American by the Black community.

Click below to access the 3 stages of the AP Seminar Process for this Project:

About Me:

My name is Kaleb McGhee and Magnet Senior at Chapin High School. I am nationals contestant for TSA and I'm going to college for a degree in Mechanical Engineering. While studying for my Engineering degree however, I plan to research more into American history (along with other histories of injustice around the world) and to enrich my community with community service and activism.