The legendary Roman emperor Caesar Augustus was on the Greek island of Samos, preparing for an important expedition to Syria, when he received envoys from the Kingdom of Kush, in present-day Sudan. Journalist Selina O\u2019Grady records in her book And Man Created God that the ambassadors presented Augustus with a bundle of golden arrows and relayed this message: \u201CThe Candace sends you these arrows.\u201D (Candace was the Latinized spelling of Kandake, the Kushite term for \u201Cqueen.\u201D) They added that the emperor had two options for how to view the offering: \u201CIf you want peace, they are a token of her warmth and friendship. If you want war, you will need them.\u201D

But this Kushite queen \u2014 whom the Greek geographer and historian Strabo of Amasia described as \u201Ca masculine sort of woman and blind in one eye\u201D \u2014 had proved to be a formidable foe for the \u201Cson of god,\u201D the title given to Caesar Augustus on Roman coins. He received the bundle of arrows from the envoys and promptly signed a peace treaty.

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But the queen\u2019s ruse had worked. Petronius had marched so far and now did not have the capacity to unleash his army on the kingdom\u2019s true ruler. He had already traveled more than 570 miles from Syene, a distance almost as long as the entire length of Egypt. Strabo wrote that Petronius \u201Cdecided that the regions beyond would be difficult to traverse.\u201D Cassius Dio added that \u201Cthere was no advantage to be gained by remaining where he was with his entire force, so he withdrew, taking the greater part of the army with him.\u201D

Up until this point, Queen Amanirenas and her troops had been fighting a defensive war, aimed at keeping the Romans from permanently annexing any part of her kingdom. But after the destruction of Napata and the death of Prince Akinidad, they went on the attack. Over the next two years, she fought with all she had to offer. Her fearlessness even forced the admiration of Strabo, who said, \u201CThis queen has a courage above that of her gender.\u201D

The Vasa family originally had a bundle of sticks, called a fascine in English and vase in Swedish, as their heraldic symbol, and it is from this that the ship gets her name. By the 17th century, the vase looked more like a sheaf of wheat, and Vasa's stern carries a gilded sheaf between two cherubs on the stern as the ship's name board. The stern also carries the king's initials, GARS, for Gustavus Adolphus Rex Sveciae (Latin for Gustav Adolf King of Sweden).

Smith. I am the Constable's Beadle; upon the 2d of May, between one and two o'Clock (in the Night) the two Prisoners at the Bar came into the Watch house, and the Woman had a bundle in her Apron, and they call'd for a Tankard of Beer, (our Watch-house is kept in a publick House in Golden lane) and the Woman of the House draw'd them a Tankard of Beer; and while they were drinking the Beer, she heard Elizabeth Dennis say to Ryley , I am glad you are clear'd from the Old Bailey. And Ryley said, he was clear'd that Afternoon, which was on Friday the first of May. So the Woman of the House call'd to me, and said, I have heard these Persons talking together, I don't like them. While they drink the Tankard of Beer I said, keep the Door fast, don't let them go out. So I said to them, I must examine you before you go; so she broke the Windows, and struck the Watchman; and in the Struggle, having but one Watchman, Ryley made his Escape from us. In about a Quarter of an Hour Ryley came a second time, and we let him go again, and was glad he was gone, for fear he should get Hands and rescue the Woman. Having but one Watchman I detain'd the Woman till between three and four o'Clock, then I carried her down to New Prison; and desir'd the Man, if any Body came to inquire for the Prisoner to let me know, and I would pay him for his Trouble: This was on Saturday Morning, and I think, on Tuesday Morning Ryley was brought by an Officer out of Shoreditch ; I went down to New Prison, and stay'd till the Officer came and brought him there, and went with him to Justice Poulson's ; he own'd the Fact before the Justice, but where to find the Prosecutrix I could not tell . When he came to Justice Poulson's he wanted to make himself an Evidence. Mr Poulson said, what do you want to make yourself an Evidence for? He own'd that he was in Company when the Woman ask'd the Way, and that he beat her. Says Mr Poulson , as the Prosecutrix is not here I can't commit you for this Fact, but I'll send you to Bridewell. In a Day or two's time I inquir'd after the Prosecutrix, and I found her in Queenstreet , at her Mistress's; when she saw the Prisoner Ryley she said, he was the Man that robbed her. be457b7860

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