Introduction to

Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

Lecturer: Professor Soonhung Han (

TA: Yung Kim (, JongHun Choe (


An overview of naval architecture & ocean engineering to students without ocean engineering background.

Fundamental knowledge and basic terminologies


Ship building, Hull form definition, Lines, Static stability, Ship motion, Ship resistance, Propulsion devices, Machinery, Hull strength, Ocean environment, Offshore structure, Environmental loads,Coastal processes


This course enables the students to develop the following skills and knowledge:

  1. Understanding of basic concept of shipbuilding industry

  2. Understanding of ship hydro-statics & static stability

  3. Understanding of hull strength and construction

  4. Understanding of ocean environment and environment loads

  5. Understanding of offshore structures and its function

Text book

[1] Benford, H., Naval Architecture for Non-Naval Architects, SNAME, 2006.

[2] Randall, R. E., Elements of Ocean Engineering, SNAME, 1997.


  • Midterm exam (35%)

  • Term project (30%)

  • Student lecture (15%)

  • Class discussion (10%)

  • Homework (10%)

Class Information

Time: Tue/Thu 13:00 ~ 14:30

Location: TBD