
We are currently working on Tattoo Portraits, based on our study of Maori culture and tattoos combined with personal life knowledge.

5/10/2018: We have finished an Original Mandala project, and we are now working on a four-part experimental art project. Students who adhere to the provided guidelines will complete a water and chalk painting, an oil pastel and vegetable oil drawing, an ink drawing, and a 2-D multi-media art work. They will have researched one artist and completed a critique of one work of art. At the conclusion of this project, students will self-critique their work, using art vocabulary and demonstrating understanding of the elements and principles of art. This will be the last big project of the year and is meant to be comprehensive. Subsequent projects will be smaller in nature.

Assignments: Housekeeping (Syllabus)

Date: 9/13/17

  • Students will review the syllabus and fill out the one page survey at the end. Due today.
Kailani updated Syllabus art2017 2018.doc

As stated in class on numerous occasions , Zentangle and all of the following assignments are due on October 5th, 2017.

Blind Contour Drawing, etc..doc
shading and texture Lincoln and Hand.doc
face patterns.doc
face angles.doc
grid cat.docx
How to draw a koi etc.doc
elements and principles handout.doc
constantin brancusi reading and exercise.pdf
expressive line directionsl line journal exercises.doc

Drawing Faces packet: Available in classroom, only. Not able to upload. Students will read the packet and practice drawing facial features in their journals, draw a small version of one of the portraits, fill in the features of the face template on the cover page, and practice shading. Students will also try drawing hair, using the techniques in the packet.

Use the artyfactory site to download the nose, eyes, ears and mouth instruction sheets, the pencil shading exercises-graduated tone packet, and the portrait shading techniques packet, or use the printed copies available in the classroom (if you were absent).

At this point (October 5, 2017), you should have finished all of the classwork (above). In addition, you should have finished the first self-portrait (due the first three days of the school year, before any instruction). You should be finished with the chapter question handouts for chapters 1 and 3 in The Visual Experience textbook. (You should be starting on chapter 4 in The Visual Experience textbook next week, if you did not read ahead).