About Kaila

Hello! I'm Kaila Falcon (I mean, that's my pen-name, I guess,) but you can call me Kaila! 

I'm a nerdy young woman from the wonderful land of Ontario, Canada. (Word of advice, don't move here. Not worth it.) Yes, I have a car. Yes, our money is colorful. No, we do not drink maple syrup. No, we do not have pet Moose and Polar Bears. No, it does not snow year-round. Just figured I'd address those myths because every time I travel anywhere outside of Canada, people are shocked that we can actually travel!

I began my YouTube channel in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic simply for something to do. Now, I am truly shocked at how large of a community I have somehow managed to have the privilege to help create! I appreciate each and every one of you who have been so incredibly supportive and I hope I can continue to create content we can all enjoy!

On my YouTube channel, I make ambient soundscapes to help us all escape to worlds that we'll never actually get to experience... 'cause y'know... fictional universes are fictional for a reason! I also make mediocre edits of fandoms I enjoy. (They're halfway decent? I'm working on my editing skills.)

On a more personal note, I enjoy reading, writing and playing video games (notably VALORANT.) I also have a pet fish named Gerald (he's a red and blue beta fish.) I also really, really love older music (anything from '40s to '90s!) I also have a passion for radio and the older forms of music preservation like cassettes. It's a running joke amongst multiple people I know that I was simply born in the wrong time period. Though, ironically, I also really enjoy learning about technology and I'm fairly proficient in numerous different aspects. I'm well-rounded, I guess.

My goal with all my content, on every single one of my platforms, is to simply help people. Whether that be providing a means of relaxation or something to help you focus... or even something to read before you fall asleep to encourage your dreams to wander... I do hope that my content can provide something for everyone!