Other projects

RoboCup @Home: 2022-Now

Organising and leading a group of students to develop a home service robot for the RoboCup @Home competition.

Fabrica.Ai adviser: 2022-Now

Hardware adviser for Fabrica.Ai, a robotics startup in Singapore developing an autonomous grouting robot.

Glacier Expedition: 2022

Mini expedition to "Mer de glace" to test a bi-coptor robot developed in the lab.

Design/development of a 3D printable, 15:1, almost zero-backlash cycloidal gearbox.

Development of a Python-Arduino bi-directional communication package. 

RoboCup Rescue: 2018-21

Building a disaster response robot from scratch for the RoboCup Rescue competition.
Team leader + Mechanical design leader.

Running the student society in Cambridge University dedicated to robotics projects.

CT reconfiguration (quick project): 2020

Simple implementation of the filtered back projection method used in CT recontstruction.

Audio Modem (coursework): 2020

Implementation of a transmitter/receiver using OFDM theory through audio frequencies (3rd year project coursework). 

RMRC (Rapidly Manucatured Robot Competition): 2017-18

Building a mini-disaster response robot for the competition RMRC. Participated in RoboCup 2018 Montreal.

RCJ soccer robot: 2017

Built a soccer robot under the RCJ soccer rules (not for participating in a competition).

Junior robotics competitions: 2010-2015

Built robots to participate in RCJ Rescue and WRO at international competitions.