Sam is still thinking about the previous night in the office meeting, to which her boss shouts at her for being absent-minded in the forum. Vivek, who is outside, hears this and, in response, gets food for Sam and sends everyone else for lunch. Sam is disturbed and warns Vivek that whatever happened the previous night was a mistake, and warns him from interfering in her personal life. The next day, however, Sam sees that she cannot enter her office when her boss informs her that some personal files of the company have been hacked from her laptop. Confused, Sam receives a call from Vivek, who reveals that he hacked Sam's laptop and leaked the company's files to teach Sam's boss a lesson. Vivek had previously hacked into the police records and uploaded a mobile vendor's name as most wanted because he refused to repair Sam's phone. Sam calls Vivek to a cafe and asks him to revert what he has done. Vivek reveals that he loves her and can do anything for her, in response to which Sam slaps him in front of everyone and warns him to stay away from her. Vivek gets enraged at the incident. He makes the tech experts at Sam's company believe that Sam leaked the files, which gets her fired. Om takes Sam to vacation in Goa for Sam to be relaxed again. Vivek captures images of Sam and Om getting intimate and leaks them on to the internet. Om publicly denies their relationship, which leaves Sam heartbroken. Sam agrees to remove the life support of her dying mother as she had no chance of living. Along with her neighbor Rohan Mehra, she then lodges a complaint against Vivek for his activities.

I can't say for certain what happened, however something was redirecting https traffic to http and if it wasn't for it being common for websites to warn you of this now, I would not have noticed this. And this was happening from other computers on my network (mac and win) including one from work that's highly locked down. Also, the fact that I could no longer log into the orbi admin screens or use the ios app are pretty strong indications of the router being hacked.

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You're repeating that it wasn't hacked, yet not being able to log into the admin screen and machines forwarding SSL links to non-SSL are top suspicious behaviors of a router hack. Performance was strange too but since I suspected something was wrong right away, I didn't spend a lot of time looking at speed. -to-tell-if-someone-hacked-your-router

I have been using keepass2 for 3 months and everything was find until today, when my google, amazon, and twitter account were hacked simultaneously. No doubt my KeePass file has been compromised as the three passwords were strong and different. Also my keepass pasword was strong and store on paper were nobody could find it.

I'm new to this part of the McAfee site. I have been using McAfee Anit-Virus software for over 10 years now. Last week I find out that my computers have been hacked. McAfee did'nt pick this up not the first time for the fourth time.

I couldn't contact Google Workspace Chat since our School Google Admin account got hacked. I couldn't log into it. Somehow the hacker changed also the admin account domain to but originally it was ( Please help recover our school account

His email account and contacts had been hacked into and I did correspond with the hacker but never lost any money or personal info. I was never bothered again and have not received any further emails or spams within my email address inbox or spam filter.

just a heads up my phone was hacked today the hack passed through norton 360 ( all settings at max including vpn) which was installed on my android phone attached its self to both the phone and the sim it the proceeded to ring numbers at random ( computer generated ) and leave insulting messages and text also voice mails the front screen showed VIRGIN YOU ARE FxxxxD and plays laughing. I have factory reset my phone and organised new sim and reported the incident I have tried to escalate this with Norton no success apparently I was not the first to be hacked this way today according to network provider

I just got hacked by an Upwork employer. The employer has posted a project "Data Scientist" and I sent a proposal for that. Afterwards, they sent me a message with a link to their website. Sadly, I downloaded the attachment and opened it. Inside the Zip file, there was a file called requirements.scr which was apparently a trojan. My antivirus now shows that this file was a Trojan.

Has your PC really been compromised or are you acting on an email that someone has sent you saying you have been hacked and demanding money ?

Posting more information here will be helpful , like what the hacker is doing or is able to do with your PC. Screenshots and try running scans with other products and see what (and if) they discover anything.

Something like malwarebytes free would be a good starting point .

This is a total violation of data protection and simple identity theft. My Etsy account got hacked by that person taking over the email I originally had my shop registered with! Beware to never let anyone gain access to the email you originally set your account up with, because even if you change it later down the line, it can be restored to the original one. 

My Etsy shop got hacked 4 weeks ago, with the hacker gaining access to not only my personal data such as full name, address, tax ID but also my credit card that is stored to pay Etsy fees. They have now deleted all of my listings selling copyrighted material under my name. I contacted Etsy support and showed them my ID and answered all of their security questions. They had temporarily suspended the shop but did not made any effort to give me back the access to it. Furthermore they have now put the shop back online letting the hacker further operate with it and selling items with my name and continuing the data leak despite me informing them about it. This is absolutely insane and I feel so helpless. 

Just for'll probably never find out "how" it was done so don't stress about it. I had an HSA (Health Savings account) with a debit card that was never used, never out of my wallet........hacked twice (original and replacement cards) that one had to have come from within either the bank or the card company. No one would ever admit or talk about the "how"....... All charges were reversed and I wasn't out anything.

All you can do is use best practices, I have had a credit card from Chase that's probably been hacked 5 x over 20 years........ Every time I ask what I could have done to prevent it and they assure me it's not my fault........rather the number of huge hacks of accounts at various vendors that sooner or later get "everyone".........

As it happens, the bank account that was hacked is with Chase. I have never had an overdraft with them in 15 yrs either, so not even sure what happens in this case. I am one of those OCD people with keeping track of my bank account, so it's a huge thing to have this overdraft, and the first time my rent will bounce (ever). What timing, eh? And I completely agree with using a different back-up account..feeling a bit embarrassed that I wasn't smarter in that area.

Some years ago my Pay Pal account was hacked with dozens of "instant payments" totaling thousands of dollars to email addresses in China. These were not for phantom items purchased on eBay, they were just like I had sent money to these crooks.

I have no idea (and, apparently, neither did Pay Pal) how my account got hacked. I changed my password immediately and never had a recurrence of the problem. I don't know what one can do to protect oneself from this kind of was just fortunate that Pay Pal was quickly and effectively responsive.

This photo provided by the Municipal Water Authority of Aliquippa shows the screen of a Unitronics device that was hacked in Aliquippa, Pa., on Saturday, Nov. 25, 2023. The hacked device was in a pumping booster station owned by the Municipal Water Authority of Aliquippa. An electronic calling card left by the hackers suggests they picked their target because it uses components made by an Israeli company. (Municipal Water Authority of Aliquippa via AP)

Matthew Mottes, the chairman of the Municipal Water Authority of Aliquippa, which discovered it had been hacked on Nov. 25, said Thursday that federal officials had told him the same group also breached four other utilities and an aquarium.

I loved hacked caprese! I made one the other day just like this, but took for panzanella approach and added the toated, cubed bread, in addition to some diced cucumbers for a crunch. Great idea to add pesto though. I used a lemon-basil vinaigrette instead.

Deb! Just finished making farro with tomatoes and scrolling through your yummy recipes. Love the hacked caprese! This will be next. Was planning on making fresh pesto with leftover bunch from farro recipe. How long can pesto keep in fridge?

If your browser is warning that your site is compromised, it could be a sign that your site has been hacked. It could also be due to some code in a theme or plugin that you need to remove, or an issue with domains or SSL.

One cause of a site being red-flagged by search engines can be your sitemap.xml file being hacked. In one case we fixed at Kinsta, a sitemap had been infected with spurious links and foreign characters.

Cheap hosting providers are less likely to robustly monitor server security or to help you if your site is hacked. A quality hosting provider like Kinsta will give you a hack-free guarantee and work hard to keep your site secure.

I am hoping someone will have the straight facts on the following: What happens if my square pos is hacked and someone changes my bank account infmormation to theirs and takes my payouts? Is Square insured for this? Will they accept any responsibility? I know that Shopify does not. With Shopify you are "responsible for keeping your password secure" and they take no responsibility if an account is hacked and banking details are changed to reroute money to a thief's account. Does anyone know where Square is on this? Section 18 on the terms of service does not look promising. 2351a5e196

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