Lightroom desktop lets you easily merge multiple exposure-bracketed photos into a single HDR photo and standard exposure photos into a panorama. Moreover, you can also merge multiple exposure-bracketed photos (with consistent exposure offsets) to create an HDR panorama in one step.

HDR photos are used to capture scenes having a large dynamic range. However, using more number of photos can lead to unwanted artifacts from poor alignment or ghosting. For optimal HDR merge, the aim is to capture photos in a manner that each part of the scene is well-exposed, that is neither blown-out nor under-exposed in at least one of the photos.

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Command-click (macOS) or Control-click (Windows) to select multiple exposure bracketed source photos when in Photo Grid () view or Square Grid () view, or from the filmstrip appearing at the bottom when in Detail () view.

Once you've finished making your choices, click Merge to create the HDR image. By default, a stack containing your source files and the merged photo is created, with the merged HDR photo visible on the top of the stack. A suffix HDR.dng is appended to the filename of the merged photo.

Command-click (macOS) or Control-click (Windows) to select a series of standard exposure source photos when in Photo Grid () view or Square Grid () view, or from the filmstrip appearing at the bottom when in Detail () view.

Projects the panorama as if it were mapped to a flat surface. Since this mode keeps straight lines straight, it is great for architectural photography. Really wide panoramas may not work well with this mode due to excessive distortion near the edges of the resulting panorama.

You can use Boundary Warp slider setting to warp panoramas to fill the canvas. Use this setting to preserve photo details near the boundary of the merged photo, that may otherwise be lost due to cropping. The slider controls how much Boundary Warp to apply.

Once you've finished making your choices, click Merge to create the panorama photo. By default, a stack containing your source files and the merged photo is created, with the merged panorama visible on the top of the stack. A suffix Pano.dng is appended to the filename of the merged photo.

Command-click (macOS) or Control-click (Windows) to select a series of consistent multiple exposure bracketed source photos when in Photo Grid () view or Square Grid () view, or from the filmstrip appearing at the bottom when in Detail () view.

You can use Boundary Warp slider setting to warp HDR panoramas to fill the canvas. Use this setting to preserve photo details near the boundary of the merged photo, that may otherwise be lost due to cropping. The slider controls how much Boundary Warp to apply.

Once you've finished making your choices, click Merge to create the HDR panorama photo in a single step. By default, a stack containing your source files and the merged photo is created, with the merged HDR panorama visible on the top of the stack. A suffix HDRPano.dng is appended to the filename of the merged photo.

To successfully merge your selection of photos to an HDR panorama, ensure that all the requirements listed below are met. If any of these requirements are not met, Lightroom displays the Unable to create HDR Panorama dialog box with a message 'Unable to create an HDR Panorama with your selection. Attempt to create a normal panorama instead?' when you try to merge the photos.

anybody knows how to merge two curve layers resulting in a single curve layer?

I remember the "pathfinder"-tool in Photoshop, that did it's job.

In Photo I only found the Layer->geometry stuff. But none of it merges the layers.

Thank you

I've started using Affinity Photo on my iPad from editing and HDR merging on the go. So far, it's perfect for the job, except that, after performing an HDR merge of 3 exposures (-2ev, 0ev, +2ev), the image becomes considerably more blurry and less detailed / sharp than any of the source images.

Sorry for my late reply, somehow I didn't get a notification that someone replied, my bad. I've attached three exposures (-1.7EV, 0EV, +1.7EV) and the resulting HDR merge (no alignment, no noise reduction and the default "Natural" tone mapping preset without any adjustments exported at 100% quality).

The solution I found was to run each photo through noise reduction software BEFORE using Affinity Photo's HDR stack capability. By using the low light setting for my case with Topaz Denoise (imagine similar programs will also help), it completely removed the noise issues with the final stacked image.

I'd like to piggy back on this chain, even though my problem is a little different. I was doing some HDR for family photos (I know it's a bit of a gamble but the light was pretty harsh). The individual images actually came out about how they should, but every time I try to stack the photos in an Affinity HDR stack a line forms all the way across the image and everything above that line is SUPER noisy. It's not really even noise. All the info is just falling apart. Has anyone else had this issue? I've blurred faces myself, but the line and particle effects are what the software spits out.

Whenever I drop screenshots into my branch file and then merge the branch all my image fills disappear. The frames, groups and images are all still there, but the image itself is not visible and image fills disappear.

Lomography's LomoChrome '92 is designed to mimic the look of classic drugstore film that used to fill family photo albums. As we discovered, to shoot with it is to embrace the unexpected, from strange color shifts to odd textures and oversized grain.

The LowePro PhotoSport Outdoor is a camera pack for photographers who also need a well-designed daypack for hiking and other outdoor use. If that sounds like you, the PhotoSport Outdoor may be a great choice, but as with any hybrid product, there are a few tradeoffs.

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I am working with thermal images. When I use the thermal camera I obtain two images, one is thermal and the second one is RGB. Those images have different focal points. So, I would like to re-size the RGB picture in order to merge it with the thermal image. I would like to ask if any of you have some hints please?

In the same way, is there any way to record the pixel coordinates in some specific point (e.g coins in picture)? I have used the GetCursorLocDemo but it was saving the cursor travel instead of specific points in the picture. Once I have the pictures sized, is there a way to merge those?

Hi all. I'm trying out Affinity Photo based on some good things I've read here and elsewhere, and I am encountering a problem that doesn't show up in any searches I've done across the forums. Post-processing goes fine until I select Merge Visible, either from the menu or via keystrokes. After the merge the new image contains rectangular horizontal artifacts, like in the attached. I saw a couple of notes online that AP artifacts can be removed by viewing at 100%, or by exporting to JPG. Neither of those removes these lovely blue bars.

If you disable hardware acceleration it should solve this issue for export/flatten/merge operations (basically, any compositing stage). You can do this via Edit>Preferences>Performance and you'll see the option for OpenCL acceleration at the bottom.

You unfortunately don't mention what technique you use to position the photos... However, I think the only way this can work is to add additional columns for each lable column, adjusting the column widths to that two columns are as wide as the original single column.

I believe I solved my issue, and the way to do it was basically to create a table of 2 cells (not create 2 separate cells), and then populate the first cell with the photo info, and the second cell would have the personal information.

I used to use the Automate -> Photomerge option in Photoshop CS3 to stich photos together. Is there an equivalent function in the latest version of Gimp? If so, how do I access/use it? If there is another solution please let me know, too.

Merge images horizontally or vertically using this tool. Simply add images in the tool, select horizontal merge or vertical merge, then preview and download. More options like resize and merge the images, add border to the merged image are available in this tool.

Merge image tool joins the images one by one based on direction selected. When resize option is selected, then the tool will find the lowest/highest dimension image and resize other image dimensions similarly. This tool also add plain border to the merged image based on the border color picked in colorpicker.

No Special skills are required to merge images using this tool. simply add images one by one in tool and select merge direction, then click merge button. when merge process is completed, preview of merged image is displayed along with download button.

Merging layers combines multiple layers together. Pixel, vector, mask, adjustment or image layers can be merged into a new merged layer or into the first available pixel layer beneath it in the layer stack.

Photo merge allows you to merge a perceptual rendering intent with an absolute rendering intent. Perceptive rendering tries to compress the source gamut into the destination gamut in such a way that the overall color relationships are preserved. Absolute rendering by contrast attempts to reproduce all colors numerically using destination equalling the source. If colors are out of the color gamut the closest color is chosen.

Darlene is an educator who teaches aspiring amateurs and hobbyists how to improve their skills through her articles here on Digital Photo Mentor, her beginner photography course, and private tutoring lessons. To help you at whatever level you're at she has two email mini-courses. Sign up for her free beginner OR portrait photography email mini-course. Or get both, no charge! 2351a5e196

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