
I firmly believe that teaching is a reciprocal process, particularly in a research environment where we push the boundaries of knowledge. I enjoy explaining various topics to students and find it satisfying when they get it. Moreover, witnessing students apply that knowledge for the betterment of society is particularly rewarding.

Teaching Assistant, Dept of ECE, University of Florida

Safety and Security of Vehicular Electronic Systems, Spring 2022 and Spring 2023

TA Duties performed: Designed homework assignments, delivered lectures, graded exams, presentations, and assignments, held office hours, and coordinated research projects.

Topics covered: Vehicular functional safety practices, standards, and limitations; vehicular security and trust; approaches to trustworthy vehicular communications; robustness, resiliency, and reliability. Concepts brought together from diverse areas of Computer Science and Computer Engineering, including Computer Architecture, Hardware and System Security, Real-time Systems, Machine Learning, Formal methods, Embedded system design, and Computer Networks.

Industrial Teaching

Horizon Global Americas, 2018

Instructor for TOEFL


Duties performed: Lectured students for the TOEFL exam, supervised English language training programs, and designed training programs for the GRE exam.