

Till & McCulloch - Stem Cell Network

Montreal - November - 2019

Canadian Connective Tissue Conference

Montreal - June - 2019

GRC on Transglutaminases in Human Disease Process

Les Diablerets - Switzerland 2018

Transglutaminases are a family of structurally and functionally related enzymes that are widely distributed in all living organisms. The predominant and classical function of these enzymes is calcium-dependent protein crosslinking which mostly occurs in the extracellular space. However, novel, non-crosslinking roles ranging from intracellular cell signaling to cell adhesion and transcription have emerged and added a level of challenge to understand of their function in human biology. Recent advances in medicinal chemistry have introduced excellent methods and tools to the field that aid the quest of deciphering the biological roles of transglutaminases in health and disease.

Dysregulation of transglutaminases in multiple human diseases is known and we are beginning to understand how this contributes to the pathogenesis of certain diseases. This 5th Gordon Research Conference on "Transglutaminases in Human Disease Processes" delved into many disease areas, to establish where transglutaminases are central to the disease process. The conference addressed ways to restore normal enzyme function and explore the tools available and needed to help us monitor or modulate enzyme levels, expression or activity.

Chair: Mari T. Kaartinen
Vice-Chair: Jeffrey W. Keillor

Chair: Magdalena Adamczyk

Vice-Chair: Huifang Sun


Fall welcome 2021 - Cafe Parvis

Holiday dinner 2021

Sahar and Mahdokht 2022

Convocation 2022 / Amrita and Taylor BSc with Honors

Amrita and qRT-PCR 2021

Taylor and Mahdokht 2021

Congratulations Mansi!

MSc 2021

Holiday dinner 2019

Congratulations Huifang!
PhD 2019

Fall 2019

Fall 2019 - Escondite

Dhruv and Aida - Summer 2019

Preeti and Anuttara - Summer 2019