Kaartinen lab

Exploring molecular mechanisms of bone remodeling and adipogenesis

Our research interests involve understanding how extracellular environment regulates cell behavior in bone and fat tissues. We are specifically focused on investigating how extracellular matrix proteins and their posttranslational processing by transglutaminase enzymes, modulates mesenchymal stem cell survival, function and differentiation to adipocytes and osteoblasts and how this links to pathophysiology of osteoporosis, defects in energy metabolism and adipogenesis. We also investigate monocyte and macrophage differentiation and their interaction with mesenchymal stem cell lineage cells in the bone marrow. Our expertise involves transgenic animal models and animal models of disease, cell and matrix biology, biochemistry and chemical biology.


Who we are

What we do

What we are interested in

Role of transglutaminases in bone remodeling

Role of FXIII-A/F13A1 in energy metabolism in mice and humans

Plasma fibronectin assembly in bone and adipose tissue

Exercise, bone and energy metabolism

Transglutaminase-mediated assembly of plasma fibronectin

Plasma fibronectin, cell adhesion and differentiation

What we publish

See what we have published

Contact us:

Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences

McGill University

Strathcona Bldg. Room M-72

3640 University Street

Montreal, QC, H3A 0C7, Canada

Tel. 1-514-398 7203 ext. 089668 (office) / 00958 (lab)