How to Play

Goal of Game

  • Try to collect at least as many points to achieve your team's target points .

  • Bidder team will try to score as much points as their target points

  • Defender team will try to stop bidder team from scoring the target points

  • Player who wins bidding round becomes bidder.

  • Bidder will choose a partner card, and during game play whoever player plays that card, becomes the buddy (partner) of bidder.

Card Points

3 of Spade

30 Points

20 points each

15 points each

10 points each

5 points each

Total points

1) Single deck (52 cards) --> 350

2) Double deck (98* cards) --> 700

* Total 6 cards are removed from 104 cards (2 deck) - 2x 2 of club, 2x 2 of diamond, 2x 2 of heart = 6 cards removed

Cards Ranking Order

Ace (A) is highest in rank while 2 is lowest. See below

Start Playing

  • This game can be played with 1 or 2 deck of playing cards depending on number of players (4 or 7 players)

  • You can play OFFLINE with computer or ONLINE in private room with friends

  • Each player gets 13 cards when playing with single deck & 4 Players ( All 52 playing cards are used )

  • Each player gets 14 cards when playing with double deck & 7 Players (Total 14 x 7 = 98 cards are used - all 2's of Diamond, Hearts and Clubs suits are not used)

1) Biding Round

  • The default minimum biding value in single deck game is 175 and in a double deck cards game is 350.

  • You can raise the bid by 5, 10, 20 or 50 points or simply Pass.

  • PS:- If you pass once, you will not be asked to bid again in the same biding round.

  • If you win the bid round, your bid value would become target score for your team .

  • Defenders will try to stop bidders team to achieve their target points.

2) Trump Selection

  • Bid round winner would be asked to select a trump suit

  • Trump Use :- If the current trick's or turn's first card played was diamond, and if you don't have diamond suit, but you have spade card and spade was also chosen as trump suite by bider, then you have option to play spade card and you will win the round (hand or trick) . Please note if any other player plays higher card of same trump suite , then he/she would win the hand/trick as they played higher card than you


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