Private Dog Training

Private Dog Training Gives You the Exact Solution You Need

Most of the problems you’re having with your dog can be solved by understanding the underlying cause of the behaviour. That’s why our Private Training sessions are so valuable. You get one-on-one help to zero in on the issue, so you can solve it a lot faster.

We start all of our Private Training options with an in person private consultation. That way we can meet you and your dog, and give you the opportunity to tell us exactly what’s been going on. Once we get all the information, we start the behaviour modifying protocol and develop a personalized training program to give you both the perfect solution.

After the private consultation, you can purchase the training bundle that’s right for you.

Private Sessions:

Initial sessions $150+5% GST and that is a 90 min session with phone and email support on the original issue, a training plan and a behavioural assessment. All follow up sessions are $100/hour +5% GST.

Private training session (one hour in length) is priced at $100/hour +5% GST including any traveling time within Calgary city-limit.