Ten Tec Orion Repair

1. Battery replacement :

I just had to replace my 566 battery. This is some helpful information and photos.

The yellow rectangle on the left of the inside front panel is the battery.

Then remove the remaining front panel screws and pull the front panel out carefully.

Observe the yellow battery on the left, it is not necessary to unplug any front panel connections.

Observe battery orientation prior to removal and insert the replacement accordingly.

Waning !!! All your menu settings will be gone, so write them down before battery replacement as necessary.

After repair please do ram and master reset !!!

This photos shows back of the fron panel when the battery is located.

This is new battery.You can get it from digi-key. Part # is 497-3686-5-ND

2. Panadapter amplifier instalation :

You need to get Z1000 buffer/amplifier for this modification. The output ( IF 9Mhz) is connected to SPARE jack connector on the back of the radio.

Photo above - In the left , upper corner you can see the Z10000 buffer.