Social Emotional Learning

What is Social Emotional Learning?

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults teach and learn through managing emotions first. Showing empathy and respect for others in the hopes to build respectful and positive relationships that encourage healthy decision making.

BrainPOP provides movies with social/emotional learning components that students can watch and respond to.

CASEL has collected a number of resources to assist in addressing students’ social and emotional needs.

Centervention game-based behavior interventions help students practice social and emotional skills.

Inside SEL links to a number of social/emotional learning resources.

NEWSELA offers social/emotional learning lessons students can complete remotely.

Sanford Harmony at National University provides social and emotional learning tools for pre-K–6.

Second Step is offering free social and emotional learning activities for ages 5-13, a podcast for families and a mindfulness program.


Childline - Self harm coping techniques