Kasey E. Cole, Ph.D. (she/her)

Postdoctoral Fellow, Science Research Initiative
University of Utah, College of Science

Research Affiliate, University of Utah Archaeological Center
Research Affiliate, National History Museum of Utah

Email: Kasey.cole@utah.edu 

About Me


2023 PhD Anthropology, University of Utah

2017 MA Anthropology, California State University, Chico

2013 BA Anthropology, California State University, Fullerton

Research Interests

I am an archaeologist with more specialized expertise in zooarchaeology and paleoecology. As a researcher, I am interested in understanding the impacts of Holocene climate change on the spatial-temporal distribution of animal communities to assess how these dynamic interactions influenced past human socio-environmental systems (SES) in western North America. Emerging from this research are conservation and sustainability projects leveraging longitudinal paleozoological and climate data to inform future wildlife management and Indigenous partnerships to help restore Indigenous SES. My work is interdisciplinary, incorporating theory and methods from Anthropology, Ecology, Geology, and Climate and Environmental Sciences. For more details about my ongoing research projects see here

Publications (*Undergraduate Student Co-Author; **Graduate Student Co-Author)


2024 Cole, Kasey E., *Moffatt, Maren, Codding, Brian F., Broughton, Jack M., Human hunting pressure, not late Holocene climate change, influenced Artiodactyla species abundance in northeastern California faunal assemblages. Quaternary International. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2023.10.006

2023 Broughton, Jack M., **Broughton, Michael J., Cole, Kasey E., **Dalmas, Daniel, and Coltrain, Joan B. Late Holocene tule elk resource depression and distant patch use in central California: faunal and isotopic evidence from the King Brown site and Emeryville Shellmound. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaa.2023.101512

2023 Wilson, Kurt M., Cole, Kasey E., Codding, Brian F. Identifying key socioecological factors influencing the expression of egalitarianism and inequality among foragers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. DOI: https://10.1098/rstb.2022.0311

2022 Cole, Kasey E., Yaworsky, Peter M., and Hart, Isaac A. Evaluating statistical models for establishing morphometric taxonomic identification and a new approach using Random Forest. Journal of Archaeological Science, 143 (105610). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2022.105610

2019 Bayham, Jude, Cole, Kasey E., and Bayham, Frank E. Social boundaries, resource depression, and conflict: a bioeconomic model of territory formation. Quaternary International (518) 69-82. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2017.11.007

Edited Volumes

2023 Cole, Kasey E., Hart, Kelsie, Merwin, Cecily, and Tichinin, Alina. Faunal remains: food waste and animal dissection at Point San Jose. In Archaeology and bioarchaeology of anatomical dissection at a nineteenth-century army hospital in San Francisco edited by P. Willey, Peter Gavette, Eric J. Bartelink, and Colleen F. Milligan.

2022 Codding, Brian F., Cole, Kasey E., and Wilson, Kurt M. Socioecological factors influence hunter-gatherer group size, lifetime interactions, and emergent properties of culture. In Scale Matters: The Quality of Quantity in Human Culture and Society edited by Thomas Widlok and M. Dores Cruz. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany. https://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-6099-9/scale-matters/