
Uppsala University - Courses

1TD352 - Beräkningsvetenskap för dataanalys (W 2023, Spring 2024)

1TD055 - Accelerator-Based Programming (FA 2022,FA 2023,FA 2024)

Uppsala University - Student Projects/Research

Removal of Imaging Artifacts using Neural Networks

University of Michigan - Courses

Math 316 - Differential Equations (FA 2018, FA 2021)

Math 404 - Intermediate Differential Equations (W 2019)

Math 450 - Advanced Mathematics for Engineers I (FA 2019,W 2022)

Laboratory of Geometry at the U-M Department of Mathematics - Undergraduate Research

The Lab of Geometry  at the University of Michigan gives undergraduates the possibility to encounter mathematics from a research rather than a textbook perspective. Showing that creativity has a place in mathematics is a cause close to my heart, such that I am excited to run projects. Past projects include:

Delft University of Technology - Courses

EE4595 -  Wavefield imaging (2015-2018)

DCSE Fall School November 4-8, 2019, on “Reduced-Order Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification”