News and Media (Int.)

Research outputs highlighted in worldwide press media including (Youtube, Wiley, ACS, RSC, AAAS...) .

After Joining Sogang U.

Nature Research Highlight: Stiff gel as squishable as a sponge takes its cue from cartilage (2024.01.09.)

EurekAlert! AAAS: Development of 100% biodegradable paper straws that do not become soggy (2023.02.01)

Advanced Science News: Finally, an anti-fizzing paper straw that doesn’t get soggy (2022.11.21.)

Before Sogang U.

Advanced Science News: Biodegradable masks could help curb the rise in plastic waste (2021.02.15.)

AAAS News: Development of a sticker that indicates whether cold-chain food products have gone bad (2020.04.06.)

ACS News Weekly PressPac: A self-healing sweat sensor (video) (2019.12.18.)

Chemistry World News: Glucose derivative replaces BPA in sustainable polycarbonate plastic (2019.09.12.)

Advanced Science News: A Rapidly Self-Healing Polymer for Wearable Devices (2018.01.17.)