1. Total Stiefel Whitney Classes for Real Representations of GL_n over F_q, R and C (with Rohit Joshi), To appear in Research in the Mathematical Sciences.

  2. Stiefel Whitney Classes for Real Representations of GL(2,q) (with Rohit Joshi), International Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 33, No. 01, 2250010 (2022).

  3. Spinorial Representations of Orthogonal Groups (with Rohit Joshi), Journal of Lie Theory 31(2021), 265-286.

  4. Spinorial Representations of Symmetric Groups (with Steven Spallone), Journal of Algebra, 544 (2020) 29-46.

  5. On the Divisibility of Character Values of the Symmetric Group (with Amritanshu Prasad and Steven Spallone), Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 27(2): P2.1, Apr 2020.

Some Other Writings: