

2024 MRS Spring Meeting

2024.04, MRS Spring Meeting (Min Woo & Seon Hoo)  in Seattle

2024 Graduation

2024.02, Congratulations to Tae Uk on achieving his Master's degree at OHLAB in KHU

2023 Group Photo

2023.09, Group photo at OHLAB for celebration of Jun Su's paper published in Advanced Functional Materials

2023 Summer MT

2023.07, OHLAB Summer MT, Jeju island

2023.04, M.W. Jeong  & T.W. Nam won Best Poster Award, and Prof. Oh's oral presentation at San Francisco, US

2023.04.09, Bao Group Reunion with OHLAB members, Stanford University

2023.04.09, OHLAB members with Prof. Zhenan Bao, Stanford University

2023.03.02, Faculty members of  Dpt. Chemical Engineering  (Kyung Hee University) at Dining

2023 Graduation

2023.02.17, Congratulations on graduation

(JunSu Kim, ASML now)

2022 Year-end part of OHLAB

2022.12.30Year-end party of OHLAB at Young-tong 

OHLAB Camping 2022

2022.11.02, OHLAB camping at Gogiri for celebration of Sci. Adv. publication 

2022. Graduation

2022.02.18, Congratulations on graduation

(Min Hyouk Kim, the first graduate student)

BK21 FOUR Lecture  (Prof. Unyong Jeong)

2021.07.01, Prof. Unyong Jeong (MSE, POSTECH) visited at Kyung Hee University for BK21 Lecture: Deformable Electronics (Making Rigid Soft)

2021.06.03, Group photo at OHLAB 

(Kyung Hee University)

2021 Spring Conference 

2021.05.12-2021.05.14, Attending Spring Conference

Busan, South Korea

2021 Graduation

2021.02.19, Congratulations on graduation (JunSu & MinWoo) & Welcome to join OHLAB

2021 OHLAB Members 

2021.04.02, OHLAB Group Photo on Cherry Blossom Road of Kyung Hee University

2019.10.19, Song-do, South Korea

at Stanford University