Welcome to  Advanced Electronic Materials Lab. led by Prof. Jin Young Oh (Kyung Hee University, South Korea) 

Our research group interests in advanced materials including multidimensional nanomaterials and skin-inspired electronic materials for next generation electronics.

We are seeking for highly motivated and creative students/researchers who are interested in design and applications of advanced functional polymeric materials for skin electronics. Please contact us at jyoh@khu.ac.kr for details. 

신축성 자가치유 유기 반도체/디스플레이/ 전자피부 센서 연구에 관심있는 학부생 / 연구원는 이메일 (jyoh@khu.ac.kr)로 연락 바랍니다.

Opening position : 대학원생 (Graduate student, 2명) 및 학부연구생 (Undergraduate student, 2명)  등록금 전액 및 생활비 지원, 국내외 학회 참여 지원

Group announcements