Teaching Portfolio at SKKU (2023 - current)

Undergraduate Course: Financial Management

Graduate Course: AI and Wealth Management

MBA Course: AI and Wealth Management (FinTech MBA)

** SKK Business School Teaching Award 2023

Teaching Portfolio at Hanyang (2015 - 2023)

Undergraduate Courses: Microeconomic Theory, Financial Econometrics, Behavioral Finance

Graduate Courses: Corporate Finance I - Theory, Asset Pricing II - Empirics and Advances, Banking and Intermediation

MBA Courses: Financial Statistics I, Investor Behavior and the Financial Market

Teaching Portfolio at Korea Military Academy (2012-2015)

Undergraduate Courses: Principles of Economics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Economics

Teaching Portfolio at Cambridge (Undergraduate Supervisions, 2009-2011)

Undergraduate Courses: Part I Macroeconomics, Part IIA Macroeconomics