Yunjiang Jiang's HomePage

Email: <1st name>ster at gmail

I am currently a research scientist at Silicon Valley Research Center.

Previously I have worked at JPMorgan Chase, Yahoo! Labs, and Google.

I graduated from Stanford Mathematics department in 2012, under the advisory of Prof Persi Diaconis.

Before that I spent one year at University of Utrecht in the Netherlands studying symplectic geometry and mathematical physics.

I graduated from University of Georgia with a B. A. in pure math in 2007.

My research interests lie mainly in the following

Mentored Interns

Thibaut Horel: Yahoo! Labs Summer 2014

Jingtian Gu: Silicon Valley Research Center Summer 2020

Haocheng Han: Moveworks Summer 2022

Conference Reviewer Roles

DLP-KDD 2020

AAAI 2021

WebConf 2022

Selected Publications

Total variation bound for Kac's random walk


Kac's random walk on the special orthogonal group mixes in polynomial time

Unitary matrix digraphs and minimum semidefinite rank (jointly with Lon Mitchel, Sivaram Narayan)

Maximally consistent sampling and the Jaccard index of probability distributions (jointly with Ryan Moulton)

Cut-off phenomenon in the uniform plane Kac walk (jointly with Bob Hough)

From Semantic Retrieval to Pairwise Ranking: Applying Deep Learning in E-commerce Search (jointly with Rui Li, et al)

A unified neural network approach to e-commerce relevance learning (jointly with Yue Shang, et al)

Mixing time of Metropolis chain based on random transposition walk converging to multivariate Ewens distribution

Towards Personalized and Semantic Retrieval: An End-to-EndSolution for E-commerce Search via Embedding Learning (jointly with Han Zhang, Wenyun Yang, et al)

Cost Minimization for Heterogeneous Systems with Gaussian Distribution Execution Time (jointly with Meikang Qiu, Wenyun Dai)

On the Number of Turns in Reduced Random Lattice Paths (jointly with Weijun Xu)

Classification of commutative zero-divisor semigroup graphs (jointly with Lisa DeMeyer, et al)

Smallest Gaps Between Eigenvalues of Random Matrices With Complex Ginibre, Wishart and Universal Unitary Ensembles (jointly with Dai Shi)

Parallel News-Article Traffic Forecasting with ADMM (jointly with Stratis Ioannidis, et al)

Adversarial Mixture Of Experts with Category Hierarchy Soft Constraint (jointly with Zhuojian Xiao, Guoyu Tang, et al)


Recipient of 5+ peer bonuses at Google Inc

JD Search and Recommendation Best Mentor Award (最佳训导师)of 2019 

JD Search and Recommendation Most Positive Value Award (价值观奖)of 2020

JD Search and Recommendation Craftsmanship Award (工匠精神奖) of Oct 2021

Notable Engineering Experience

Implemented Consumer/Producer queue for IO bound neural training in C++

Implemented Product Quantization Decoder in Java

Ported FAISS Library in Java using JNI

Built various Machine Learning data/training/inference pipelines, in tensorflow 1.x and pytorch