Jye Phillip Smallwood
Girton College, Cambridge
About Me
Hi, I'm Jye (/ʤeɪ/), and I'm currently a PhD candidate in the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at the University of Cambridge.
My research focuses on how our first language influences how we learn a second or additional language. I use natural language processing tools such as Python, and R to analyse big data in learner corpora. My goal is to discover patterns as learners develop in a new language in order to inform better materials and practices in the classroom. Broadly speaking, my interests include comparative syntax, psycholinguistics, natural language processing, second language acquisition, corpus linguistics, and language typology.
Previously, I worked as an English Language Fellow with the US Department of State, working with senior civil servants in Vietnam and leadership training for Russian language teachers. I also worked as a lecturer at the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in the English Language Department (ELD).
I am also currently President of the Girton College MCR (Postgraduate Student Union)
Even though I'm transitioning into research, I remain passionate about teaching, learning, and leadership in TESOL/TEFL. I'm particularly interested in translanguaging, skills development, EAP, emergent pedagogies, and teacher leadership. I'm excited to discuss these topics with other researchers, teachers, and professionals with similar interests.

University of Cambridge, 2022- 2026, PhD Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
University of Oxford, 2021, MSc Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching (Merit)
Newcastle University, 2010, MA Applied Policy Research
Northumbria University, 2008, BA (Hons) English (2:1)
Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA)
Cambridge Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults (Delta; Module 2)
Harvard Certificate in School Management and Leadership (CSML)
United States Air Force Defense Language Institute (DLI) American Language Course Certificate
American Board for the Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE) Certificate in Teaching English Literature (years 5-12)
Wisconsin State Educators License (Secondary English)
In 14 years, I've taught in 11 countries:
United Kingdom, United States, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, North Macedonia, Colombia, Türkiye, and Saudi Arabia (Vietnam & Russia, remotely).
...and I've had the pleasure of teaching learners of all levels, from 50 countries:
Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, DR Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Georgia, Germany, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Korea, Kosovo, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mexico, Moldova, Mozambique, North Macedonia, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine, Venezuela, Vietnam, and Yemen.
Digital Literacies
Microsoft Office Suite & Apple iOS equivalents (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, SharePoint)
Google Workspace (Jamboard, Docs, Sheets, etc.)
Learning Management Systems: Blackboard, Moodle, Banner, Canvas
LaTeX (Overleaf), Python, R
Professional Memberships
TESOL International
TESOL Arabia (Presenter)
VietTESOL (Presenter & Reviewer)
EUROSLA (Presenter)
Research Projects & Teaching
MSc Dissertation at Oxford:
In progress:
Translanguaging: The Role of L1 in Second Language Acquisition (Tentative PhD Thesis)
An Investigation of the Primary Variables Impacting L2 Writing Ability
Recognition, Recall, and Meaning: Incidental Learning of L2 Vocabulary Using TV and New Media
Examining Competing Paradigms of Culture and Motivation in Research of L2 Development
Basic Professional Skills (CEFR B1+) (2023)
ENGL 102: Introduction to Report Writing (Spring & Summer 2022)
Communicative English for International Affairs (CEFR B1) (2021-2022)
Communicative English for International Affairs (CEFR A2) (2021-2022)
Past Courses Developed (ESP):
Marketing for Teaching Professionals (Autumn 2023)
Leadership and Management for English Language Teachers (Spring 2023)
English for International Relations (2021)
English for Military Personnel (American Language Course) (2016-2019)
Click here to learn more about what I'm working on
Upcoming Talks
EuroSLA 33 2024, Montpellier, France
SMTB Summer School 2024, Istanbul, Türkiye
Click here for information on past talks