
Jun Yan, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Graduate Program Co-Director (thesis-based)
Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security and Resilience

Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering (CIISE)
Concordia University, Montréal, Québec, Canada

Office: EV Building, 003.119, Sir George Williams Campus

Email: jun.yan(at)concordia.ca

More: Faculty Profile, Explore Concordia, Google Scholar


I am a faculty member at the Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering (CIISE) at Concordia University, Montréal. I hold the Concordia University Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security and Resilience (Tier 2) and serve as the graduate program director for thesis-based students at CIISE. I joined Concordia in 2018 and received an early tenure promotion to Associate Professor in 2022. 

I am a founding co-director of the Digital Twins Hub at Concordia and the NSF EuReCa Global Center with Santa Clara University (USA), and the founding chair of the IEEE PES AMPS-BDA Task Force on Big Data Analytics for Security and Resilience in Power Systems. I am also a founding member of the Security Research Centre (SRC) and the Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute (AI2) and an affiliate member of the Centre for Innovation in Construction and Infrastructure Engineering and Management (CICIEM) at Concordia. 

With my students and collaborators, I have published over 100 peer-reviewed research articles in the areas of computational intelligence and cyber-physical security, with applications to critical infrastructures such as smart grids and smart cities.

According to Google Scholar metrics, our papers are among the most-cited publications in the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (TIE, #13 of 7,400+ publications, link), the IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (TMECH, #10 of 2,100+ publications, link), and the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS, #21 of 2,000+ publications, link) since 2017. One survey has also been the most cited paper of IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theories & Applications since 2016. Our research has also been featured in the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), the IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter, and the IEEE Signal Processing Society eNewsletter, among others. 

A complete list of my publications can be found here.

I received my Ph.D. from the University of Rhode Island (USA) under the supervision of Prof. Haibo He in 2017, during which I also received the Excellence in Doctoral Research Award of URI (2018), Best Reviewers of IEEE TSG (2017), Best Student Paper Award at IEEE WCCI (2016), Best Paper Award at IEEE ICC (2014), Best Readings of IEEE ComSoc (2013), among others.  Feel free to check the contents below or other pages above for more information.




Research Highlights

My research lies in the intersection of cyber-physical security, applied machine intelligence, and smart resilient infrastructures. I have authored or co-authored over 100 peer-reviewed publications in the area, and a complete list of my research publications can be found here.

 Cyber-Physical Security

Applied Machine Intelligence

Smart and Resilient Infrastructures

Recognition & Awards


Since 2018, our group has received over $3.5 million in research funding, including: 


I offer two elective courses for graduate students, on the timely topics of smart grids and industrial control system security and machine learning in information system security. I also teach some undergraduate courses, mostly during the summer.


I served on several journal editorial boards and conference organizing committees, including but not limited to:
