

Converging to Convergence, with Michael Kremer and Yang You, NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 2021

Slides: PDF

Time versus State in Insurance: Experimental Evidence from Contract Farming in Kenya, with Lorenzo Casaburi, American Economic Review, 2018

Non-technical summaries: Microeconomic Insights, VoxDev Slides: PDF, TeX

Reviews / non peer-reviewed

Value Chain Microfinance, with Lorenzo Casaburi, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2024

Guns, Latrines, and Land Reform: Dynamic Pigouvian Taxation, with Michael Kremer, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 2016

Working papers

Land Rental Markets: Experimental Evidence from Kenya, with Michelle Acampora and Lorenzo Casaburi, Conditionally Accepted at American Economic Review

Non-technical summary: VoxDev 

Retractions: Updating from Complex Information, with Duarte Gonçalves and Jonathan Libgober, R&R at Review of Economic Studies

Selected work in progress

Health Insurance Subsidies and Asymmetric Information, with Lorenzo Casaburi and Kim Cramer

Frictions in Information Diffusion Among Smallholder Farmers, with Raissa Fabregas  

Targeting Dynamic Poverty, with Eric Teschke 

Public versus Private Infrastructure, with Ben Krause and Michael Kremer