
Publications and preprints :

  • Finite morphisms between projective varieties and Skeleta.

Proceedings of the London Mathematical society, 2015

  • A Riemann-Hurwitz formula for skeleta in non-Archimedean geometry.

European Journal of Mathematics, 6(2), 453-487, doi : 10.1007/s40879-019-00359-y

  • Constructibility and reflexivity in non-Archimedean geometry. (Joint with Ildar Gaisin)

International Mathematics Research Notices, rnz247,

  • Radiality of definable sets.

Advances in Mathematics, Vol 371, 2020, doi : 10.1016/j.aim.2020.107243

  • A Study of Compatible deformations in non-Archimedean geometry

  • A geometric construction of the motivic volume. (Joint with Andreass Gross and Johannes Nicaise)

In preparation :

  • Perverse sheaves on adic spaces. ( Joint with Ildar Gaisin and David Hansen)

  • Generalized Vanishing cycles. (Joint with Ildar Gaisin)

CV :