About me

Welcome to my academic website! This site encompasses my body of work, including all of my articles, research initiatives, educational projects, and the latest updates and information.

👁️‍🗨️ Research

I conduct interdisciplinary research on virtual reality. My primary focus revolves around theories related to virtual embodiment, exploring how we perceive virtual bodies, investigating embodied cognition, and anthropology of the body within VR. Additionally, I am interested in the educational potential of VR.

👁️‍🗨️ Wirtualium

I am the Founder and Chair of Wirtualium, an academic project focused on the responsible usage and creation of virtual reality. Wirtualium is one of the world's first academic conferences in VR. Additionally, the project includes the VR Summer Academy – a series of scientific workshops in virtual reality for teams from secondary schools.

👁️‍🗨️ Activity

I am a member of EduVRLab, Academia Electronica, and Collegium Invisibile. Teaching and outreach activities are very important to me, and I strive to develop my skills in these areas. I lead the academic workshops and popularize science in the media. 

👁️‍🗨️ Education 

I am currently pursuing my PhD at AGH University (Poland), where my research is centered on the field of techno-anthropology within virtual reality (VR). I hold a Master's Degree in cognitive science from Jagiellonian University. 

✉️ jan.bruno.waligorski@gmail.com

✉️ jwaligorski@agh.edu.pl