Jordan Von Eggers

Ph.D. Candidate

Program in Ecology and Evolution

Department of Geology and Geophysics

University of Wyoming

I am a graduate student in the Program in Ecology and Evolution (PiEE) at the University of Wyoming co-advised by Dr. Bryan Shuman in the Department of Geology and Geophysics and Dr. Amy Krist in the Department of Zoology and Physiology. I'm also on the organizing board for the SedaDNA Scientific Society and am responsible for updating inventory of environmental ancient DNA from sedimentary archives and organizing the student seminar series for the Americas time zones.

My work uses DNA sequences preserved in lake sediments to understand how microbes, phytoplankton, and zooplankton are assembled through space and time. I using novel genetic tools to answer questions about these small, but important, organisms that serve as the base of the food web and learn more about human impacts on remote aquatic ecosystems. If you're interested in meeting and chatting more, please find my contact details on the "Contact" page.

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Check out a recent highlight of our research in AGU's Eos and more in the Research tab!