Johan Vikström


I'm a professor at IFAU in Uppsala and Uppsala University (Department of Economics, UCLS).

My research interests include labor economics, program evaluation and health economics.

Publications here and a detailed CV here.

Recent papers

Lundborg P, S James, B Lagerqvist and J Vikström (2021), "Learning-by-Doing and Productivity Growth among High-Skilled Workers: Evidence from the Treatment of Heart Attacks'', IZA DP No. 14744.

G.J. van den Berg and J. Vikström (2021), "Long-Run Effects of Dynamically Assigned Treatments: A New Methodology and an Evaluation of Training Effects on Earnings", Econometrica, forthcoming.

Cederlöf J, M Söderström and J Vikström (2021), "What makes a good caseworker?", IFAU Working paper 2021:19, latest version.

Lombardi S, G van den Berg and J Vikström (2020), "Empirical Monte Carlo Evidence on Estimation of Timing-of-Events Models", IFAU Working paper 2020:26.

Caliendo M, R Mahlstedt, G van den Berg and J Vikström (2020), "Side effects of labor market policies", IFAU Working paper 2020:20, R&R Scandinavian Journal of Economics

Bucher-Koenen T., H. Farbmacher, R. Guber and J. Vikström (2020), "Double trouble: The burden of child rearing and working on maternal mortality", Demography, 57, 559-576.

Cheung M, J Egebark, A Forslund, L Laun, M Rödin and J Vikström (2019), "Does job search assistance reduce unemployment? Experimental evidence on displacement effects and mechanisms", IFAU Working paper 2019:25.

Avdic D., S. von Hinke, B. Lagerqvist, C. Propper and J. Vikström (2019), "Information shocks and provider adaptation: Evidence from interventional cardiology", CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP13627.

Avdic D., P. Lundborg and J. Vikström (2018), "Mergers and Birth Outcomes: Evidence from Maternity Ward Closures", IZA Discussion Paper No. 11772, latest version, R&R American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.

Recent policy reports

Cederlöf J, M Söderström and J Vikström (2021), "Vad kännetecknar en framgångsrik arbetsförmedlare?", IFAU Rapport 2021:13.

Bennmarker H, M Lundin, T Mörtlund, K Sibbmark, M Söderström and J Vikström (2021), "Krom - erfarenheter från en ny matchningstjänst med fristående leverantörer inom arbetsmarknadspolitiken", IFAU Rapport 2021:7.

Caliendo M, R Mahlstedt, G van den Berg and J Vikström (2020), Hälsoeffekter av arbetsmarknadspolitiska insatser, IFAU Rapport 2020:20.

Bucher-Koenen T., H. Farbmacher, R. Guber &J. Vikström (2020), Arbete, familj och kvinnors hälsa senare i livet, IFAU Rapport 2020:8.

Lombardi S & J Vikström ( 2019), Arbetsförmedlingens kontrollarbete, sanktioner och de arbetslösas sökbeteende , IFAU Rapport 2019:23.