
How to Place a Hold Through Marina

What do you do when you are looking for a specific title at your local library but they do not carry it in their system? A neat feature the Prince George’s County Memorial Library System is a part of is MARINA. You can borrow any title within the state of Maryland and have it delivered to your local branch. This saves patrons money and valuable time.

This is an article researched and written by yours truly. It discusses the challenges faced by religious studies scholars and the lack of secular religious materials in libraries and schools. Religious studies is an important part of the curriculum because we live in a world where religion is all around us; it is up to us to educate ourselves and not be afraid of the unknown.


AI in Academic Libraries

Artificial intelligence has become a part of our everyday lives. From our smart phones to devices solely dedicated to meeting our every whim and answer any question, it is no wonder this technology is being introduced and utilized in an academic library setting.

"Podcasting about the Library"

This podcast episode was very important because a librarians job is in public service. They answer questions and help people find the materials they require. With so much of their work revolved around serving the public, it’s nice when a librarian gets asked questions about their work and their experiences.
Both podcasts were obtained from the American Libraries Dewey Decibal Podcast

Professional Associations

American Library Association

I follow this source because it gives a wide variety of information and news to anyone who is interested in literacy, the promotion of libraries, and their importance in our communities.

Association of College and Research Libraries

A division of the American Library Association, this association is imperative for anyone interested in working in an academic/ research library. This is the area of library work that interests me the most. Their abundant resources are a go-to for anyone looking to thrive in this field and make connections with like-minded individuals.