
Dr Jérémie Vidal

CNRS Researcher, ENS de Lyon - Univ. Lyon  1

About me

I am a fluid dynamicist, interested in rotating flows (waves and turbulence), dynamo theory and geophysics (e.g. planetary core convection). For my research, I develop novel mathematical / numerical methods and use DNS (using open-source codes running on massively parallel supercomputers). I am also opened to any scientific collaborations for which my expertise would be useful. For instance, I often collaborate with data scientists (e.g. geophysicists, experimentalists or astronomers) to confront theoretical/numerical predictions with observations. Recently, I started an interdisciplinary collaboration with the mathematician Prof. Y. Colin de Verdière (thanks to the intermediary of Dr B. Valette and the French academician Prof. M. Campillo).

From 2025, I will be a CNRS researcher (ENS de Lyon - Univ. Lyon 1). Before that, I was a research fellow in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (CNRS, 2020-2024) and in Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics (Univ. of Leeds, 2018-2020). In 2018, I defended my Ph.D. in Université Grenoble Alpes (France). I notably studied the dynamics of rotating flows enclosed within triaxial ellipsoids and driven by orbital forcings (e.g. tides or precession).

Research interests - Expertise


Past & present collaborators (alphabetical order)