JustRadio - HowTo

Use your favorite radio station Online playlist

1. Create a text file (e.g. "JustRadio.m3u") in Extended m3u Format (see M3U format).

Pseudo Example


#EXTINF:-1,Station 1


#EXTINF:-1,Station 2



Replace the station name and streaming url (bold text) with the one for the radio station you wish to use. The order of appearance is the order of the items in the radio station list in the app after download of the playlist file.

The app supports the http(s) protocol for streaming urls in various formats.

  • m3u- or pls-file

    • e.g. http://.../station.m3u

    • e.g. http://.../station.pls

  • url-only

    • e.g. http://address

  • mp3 file

    • e.g. http://.../station.mp3

2. Publish the playlist text file on the internet

The playlist text file must be downloadable by using the http(s) protocol so you need to place it on a web server. Alternatively you can place it on a Cloud Drive of your choice and share it to get a http(s) shared link:

  • Google Drive

    • Share the text file with read only access. You will get a link in the following format

https://drive.google.com/file/id/d/<YOUR FILE ID>/view?usp=sharing

    • Convert the link into a direct download link

https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=<YOUR FILE ID>

This is the link you have to use in the watch app.

  • Microsoft OneDrive

    • Create an Embed Content Link. You will get a link in the following format

https://onedrive.live.com/embed?cid=<YOUR FILE ID>&resid=<YOUR FILE ID>%<some number>&authkey=<YOUR AUTH KEY>

    • Convert the link into a direct download link

https://onedrive.live.com/download?cid=<YOUR FILE ID>&resid=<YOUR FILE ID>%<some number>&authkey=<YOUR AUTH KEY>

This is the link you have to use in the watch app.

3. Insert the Download Link into the App

  • Start the App on the Watch

  • Go to Settings, "Online Playlist Download"

  • Enable/Check "Use Playlist"

  • Tap "Enter http url (.m3u)"

  • Insert the direct download link

Other cloud drive providers will use a similiar procedere to create a shared link.