ABOUT Black Simulator

Satirical game where you attempt to run 3 errands without getting shot or arrested by the police.

About Black Sim

A SATIRICAL MINI GAME where you spend the day as a black man (er "Blackmenn" if you prefer) on your day off. You must run 3 errands without getting shot or arrested by the Police! Depending on various choices your experience will differ either slightly or drastically with multiple playthroughs.

Avoid the dangers of the PoPo Meter - Police suspicions increases with certain choices of attire, and behavior!

I.G.N.A.N.T Meter, the rage is REAL - Attempt to avoid responses to rude people that may lead to someone calling the cops on you!

T.O.M Meter - Attempt to maintain street cred even though it can be SERIOUSLY unhealthy to do so!

Multiple ways to end your day off! With peace, or bullets.

Blackness awaits!


It would be a smashing if you left a review. Very favorable so far. This is for PC and ANDROID only as of now, however if we get enough sales we can work on a MAC and IOS version certainly.

SERIOUSLY... why would you make something like this?

Truly, this isn't about creating controversy but just perspective. We can learn a lot from each other through our perspectives. I didn't want to weave a narrative of being "tragically black", simply, what satirical look at what it's like.

Here's a review (on Steam) from someone I briefly met and whom I've become good friends with since then. It encapsulates why I've done something like this...


As a North Idaho white guy, this game was truly life changing. Seriously. BlackSimulator gave me a small taste of the struggle that all my previous efforts failed at. I was so moved by the experience, that I purchased a site license version for all my students in my computer class. Needless to say, most of them had their eyes opened in ways that only this game could accomplish. I eagerly look forward to Justin Fox's next game release!

This is all the game ever set out to accomplish.

Press Kit

_Black Simulator Press Kit.pdf