The purpose of the Justice Network of Tarrant County is to take actions aimed at reducing the structural barriers 

to a more just, fair and equitable world for all persons in Tarrant County.

The Justice Network of Tarrant County kicked off February 26, 2023 at a gathering of about 70 like-minded people representing about 20 different organizations, mostly faith based. As we explored what doing justice work together might look like, we shared our common goals, frustrations, and dreams. 

The energy in the room coalesced around a decision to amplify our voices for justice by coming together in a network.  We organized ourselves and immediately began publishing an online action-focused newsletter, which, as of December 2024 has grown to a distribution of over 400.  

Several of our actions have already caught the attention of the press (see our JNTC in the News page).  

Justice Tarrant County

And we have now added action teams for JUVENILE JUSTICE and for ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE.  

Our Action Teams focus on these types of initiatives:

for the public at large

Interested in learning more about us?  Email:
