Market Opportunity

It is important to have access to local foods!

Fresher, more nutritious, and has less emissions compared to conventional agriculture.

Local produce is only 1.5% of USA's agricultural income ~USDA

Chefs and consumers want to support locally grown produce but there isn't enough to meet the demand

Microgreens market is growing 11% per year ~Mordor Intelligence

USA's Microgreens market is valued at 1.74 billion in 2024 and is growing every year

68% of people prefer locally grown vegetables ~Statistica

Most people prefer locally grown foods and 99% of single urban households are willing to pay more!

Chefs especially those operating vegetarian or vegan restaurants are a target customer. A lot of imported produce suppliers can have inconsistent quality of produce and delivery times. Purchasing local gets you fresher produce and with a short delivery distance.

People want to support locally grown produce and environmentally sustainable providers. Incorporating this food in your menu will attract these customers. It is also weather independent so it can be grown year round without any changes in the supply or cost of goods.