AS A NOTE: so the weapon parameters are currently sudo-broken. they need a compare, and I need to take more time to look into it. currently any compare I use causes the current magazine ammo display to not decrease. so i tried to do a compare at op code where the weapon base is written (instead of where your current magazine ammo is written), but everything ive tried (while fixing the ammo display) causes random freezing on occasion and i havent had time to look into it any farther.

hi there , this game , like just cause 4 need something that so far none ever added: the hack to have invincible vehicles and , more important , invincible allies , with invincible vehicles and invincible allies the problem of the escort missions are solved

Just Cause 2 Cheats Free Download

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This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Just Cause 2 for Xbox 360. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it.

Method 1: Get a fast car or motorcycle and get on a highway or long road. Drive on the side of the highway you're supposed to be on, dodge traffic or stay in the middle of the lane and just speed and Stunt Points should come in really fast.

Method 2: Go to the Panau Int. Airport and get the sports car at the entrance and drive it to a runway. Once a plane appears, go into the stunt position and use the grappling hook to attach the car to the plane. Once this is done, enter the car. The plane takes off with car in tow. The points begin to rack up quickly. As long as you don't release the grapple from the plane your car will just fly along with the plane.

Fake shark

Coordinates: 12665 x 22595

Details: Roams around the small lagoon at this location. A motorized shark fin - there is no shark beneath it, just some sort of motor beneath the waterline.

Stunt Course

Co-Ordinates:X:8682 Y:25426

Details: This place has humoungous jumps, tons of air, and all while being hidden from the naked eye. Limitless possibilities and great for just messing around.

When free falling there is no need to use the parachute. If you are trying to get that extra couple feet to hit a certain distance, just grapple the ground once you get within range. Regardless of the height you will safely touch down.

These are codes designed by the developers and hidden in the game that will cause an uncommon effect that is not part of the usual game mechanics. Cheat codes are going extinct in modern games, because developers can't be bothered to add them, but they used to be common in nearly all video games up to about 2010ish.

In the game demo or in real game, best if just after a checkpoint saved when in a helicopter as to have many chances at this stunt. When this is done make sure to destroy all turrets nearby so that you do not get shot out of the air. Move to a location above a road or sand (flat ground). Move higher in altitude until "you are leaving the mission area, turn around" is stated. Then jump from the helicopter. At a minimum of 15 feet from the ground, pull back on your left stick and head strait. When you land you will usually be damaged slightly but still alive and without a parachute!

When walking around with the grapple gun you may see that you auto-target thin air. If you fire it will just go through it, BUT BE CAREFUL! When driving past these whilst on top of the car, sometimes it says 'O; Jump to car' DON'T DO IT'. I did and you end up in the 'riding car' position in mid air, and you can't jump off or do anything, so I had to reset.

Apologies that this is a few days late. The review code we received had a big old crazy bug in it, completely fixed in the released version. But never mind, because finally you can find out Wot I Think about Just Cause 2 - a game that I've been unquestionably looking forward to thanks to one of the best trailer campaigns we've seen. But can it live up to that hype? Will it have heeded my constant plea: "please don't let the game get in the way of the fun"?

It also needs to be mentioned how incredibly beautiful this game is. Just gasp-inducingly stunning. Watching a sunrise, seeing the clouds roll in and the rain start falling, seeing the snow glistening on the mountains, it's breathtaking. Flying a small plane to any destination becomes enormously difficult, as I find myself just enjoying the journey, doing some loop-the-loops, flying upside down, soaking in the view. The weather patterns are like nothing I've seen before, the cloud layers modelled realistically, the weather not appearing from nowhere.

Get it. Get it because it's Red Faction: Guerilla x 10 (a game that similarly became overwhelmed with difficulty in the face of fun). Get it because you can steal planes from airports and ditch them into the sea. Get it because you can fly a helicopter up to unimaginable heights and then freefall for minutes. Get it because you can tether an enemy to the back of your boat and then drag him behind you. Get it because you can watch the sun set behind the mountains, as you fire a rocket into a water tower and see it cascade over the town below.

My name is Dan Ariely. I'm the James B. Duke professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University. And my TED Talk was about how we all have the capacity to cheat just a little bit and at the same time, feel quite good about ourselves and our own morality.

ARIELY: Well, you know, it's kind of a disappointing result on one hand, right? The amount of people who are willing to cheat a little bit is just incredible. On the other hand, people cheat just a little bit, so the amount of people who cheat a lot is incredibly small. This is kind of trying to put the good spin on dishonesty. We've run almost 30,000 people in many of those tasks and we found basically, about 12 people who cheat a lot. And we lost maybe $150.

On the other hand, we had about 18,000 people who cheated a little bit and we lost - you know - 30, $40,000 to those little cheaters who cheat just a little bit, but there are many of them. And I think that's actually a good reflection of what's happening in society.

You know, from time to time we have big cheaters, and they create some damage to society financially. But I think that more damage is created by people who think of themselves as good people, and cheat just a little bit here and there. But because it's so prevalent, it basically creates much larger financial devastation.

Now, Ten Commandments is something that is hard to bring into the education system so we said, why don't we get people to sign the honor code? So we got people to sign - I understand that this short survey falls under the MIT honor code. Then they shredded it. No cheating whatsover. And this is particularly interesting because MIT doesn't have an honor code.

ARIELY: Yeah, so there's factors that make a fudge factor higher, and there are factors that make it lower. And if you think about it, it's basically about the ability to justify what we're doing, right? We have this incentive to be bad or to be dishonest, and the question is can we tell ourselves a story that would make it more OK?

So the things that make it go up, make the fudge factor become larger and make us more - make it easier for us to be dishonest is, for example, the fact that we see other people around us doing the same thing. Or when we're doing it for a good cause, right? It would be a bit like Robin Hood, right? We're doing it; it's immoral, yes; but we're doing it for something good.

Another thing that helps a lot to be modest, honest and feel good about it is that - when we deal with stuff that is distant from money. And this, by the way, is one of the thoughts that worries me the most, because we are moving into a cashless society, right? If you think about it, what keeps us honest is being close to cash.

What happens when we move to things like stocks or stock options or mortgage backed securities or electronic wallets? Would those mediums of storage of value allow people to be more dishonest and at the same time justify it to themselves?

So what have we learned from this, about cheating? We've learned that a lot of people can cheat; they cheat just by a little bit. When we remind people about their morality, they cheat less. When we get bigger distance from cheating - from the object of money, for example - people cheat more. And when we see things of cheating around us, particularly if it's a part of our in- group, cheating goes up.

STEWART: The big theme of your talk is that we should challenge our intuitions; that we should think differently about cheating because the way we originally think about it, it may not be the case. You suggest that we will all do better if we test our intuitions. Why?

ARIELY: So we have very naive intuitions about our own operations and I think in cheating, as one example for this, we think very much in economic model. We think that why people cheat? Well, they cheat because they want something else. What's stopping them? The fear of getting to prison and getting punished and getting caught.

15. Do This, Not That. Having a clear code of conduct serves to both set behavioral expectations for employees and provide a justification for discipline or termination decisions when those expectations are not met.

[ 018]Filostrato's mood and its cause were made abundantly manifest by the words of this song; and perchance they had been made still more so by the looks of a lady that was among the dancers, had not the shades of night, which had now overtaken them, concealed the blush that suffused her face. Other songs followed until the hour for slumber arrived: whereupon at the behest of the queen all the ladies sought their several chambers.

For future suspensions, the deal also would eliminate the loophole allowing Alex Rodriguez to earn almost $4 million during his season-long ban, the people said. They spoke on condition of anonymity in recent days because talks are ongoing.

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