The song "Just a Cloud Away" by Pharrell Williams is an uplifting and optimistic track that aims to inspire listeners to remain positive during tough times. The lyrics suggest that even when life seems gloomy, there is always a chance for happiness just around the corner, waiting to shine through like the sun behind a cloud.

Throughout the song, Pharrell encourages listeners to embrace change and let go of negative energy by acknowledging that we have all been in a dark place before. The chorus reinforces the notion that the rainy day is temporary and that even though it may be tough to see, the sun is just one cloud away.

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In this emotionally charged ballad, Pharrell also touches upon the fragility and transient nature of our existence. He reminds us that just like clouds, our troubles will eventually dissipate, revealing the clear blue sky and a brighter future. The song serves as a reminder to appreciate the fleeting moments of joy and to remain resilient during times of struggle.

Moreover, Pharrell emphasizes that no matter what situation we are going through at any given moment, having hope for a brighter future is key. His words remind us that although difficult times may seem overwhelming now, there is always light beyond those clouds; therefore motivating us to keep pushing forward despite any obstacles or worries we may have along the way.

UPDATE: I swapped the hard drives over just to see what would happen and surprise suprise the red light on HD1 came back after a couple of weeks - so that is THREE Seagate Iron Wolf Pro HDDs that the WD NAS is reporting as faulty, but only when fitted to bay #1. Something is not quite right!

Thank you. I know the dark cloud too well. I needed to read this today because sometimes I blame myself for this miserable circumstance at times, even though I know it's nothing I did that causes it to hover. Add to that the fact that I am a believer. Maybe if I had more faith, prayed more, read my bible more, focused on God more, instead of this circumstance...all remarks I have heard from folks who have sunshine. Depression doesn't show on the outside. I wish it did, and I wish the sun would come out.

Jan - I so relate to blaming yourself first. I'm always trying to puzzle out what I did wrong. I would tell you STOP THAT, but I know that doesn't work :-) I think prayer is good for creating a more positive state of mind, but I don't think you can pray depression away. Don't be afraid to explore other ways to get that sun to break through. Sending you hugs

Now that Google cloud print is going away how do I get my MX922 to connect wirelessly. I have been through all the steps but the MX922 is not listed as a choice. Is there another printer that is close to the MX922 that I could select in its place?

OMG! You are a genius. Works perfectly. How will I ever thank you? It has been so long. Bless you. I could not figure why I could print from the Canon Print App on my phone perfectly but not connect from my Asus CN62 Chromebox. I just ordered a new Asus Chromebox 4. I hope your PPD works from that. Again Thank you so much. You are the best!

After all the fun with trying to get my MX922 connected to Chrome wirelessly, I gave up and purchased a USB cable. No luck there either. Chrome wants me to select the printer from a list but the MX922 is not listed. I wish I could select another model that would work but no luck there either. Any suggestions or do I have to buy another printer. It sure will not be Canon. This is the second printer I had to purchase to print with Google Cloud printing and now that is going away so I have to purchase another one or just use a memory stick. Crazy and perfect for 2020.

I wouldn't not buy Canon printers, I throw away Chrome book and get somerhing else like I'm going to do. I found that I can save what ever I want to print to an Email, then with my other piece of juck smart phone that I installed a Canon printing app that I can still print with my MX922. What we need is a few more fruitcakes making the techknowledgy better, yeah right.

I have created, using some Mac tools, a PPD file for the MX922. It's very basic. Not all features works like duplex printing. It's really a trial and error sort of thing but at this point being able to print something is better than nothing at all. I can print most things just fine using US Letter in both color or black&white. All I can say is give it a try.

Just like Google User Storage Upgrades, Google Vault will no longer be available as an Add-On product in the Google Workspace for Nonprofits. This means if you want to continue to use Vault, you will need to upgrade to one of the Business editions but even with the serious discounted pricing for Nonprofits, it can be quite inxpensive. For my organization, this means instead of paying under $2K per year for just over 150 Vault Add-On licenses, we would have to now pay for all of our users which are currently FREE. When upgrading to Google Workspace for Business (Standard or Plus versions), we would now have to pay for both Active and Archived Users which would cost us a minumum of $1100 per month for 500 users (100 Active & 400 Archived). That's over $10K more per year that we cannot afford and we got no warning about this.

Cloud-native software and technologies are an approach to architecting, building, and managing workloads built in the cloud. This means that cloud-native software has the Cloud inherently built into its DNA, taking full advantage of all the technology that Cloud provider platforms offer. This results in the ability to scale for global performance.

On-premise (on-prem) software is deployed, hosted, and maintained by your organization. While you can host your on-prem software in the cloud to remove some infrastructure and maintenance costs, you really need cloud-native software to take full advantage of the Cloud.

Cloud-native software is designed, developed, and deployed to take advantage of modern cloud computing, using techniques like micro-services, modularity, containerization, continuous integration, and continuous deployment.

When you access your software over the cloud, that usually means using the SaaS licensing and delivery model. You access your software over a browser or via an API, and you pay for what you use, like a utility bill.

Many new companies today are choosing to offload the overhead of maintaining the tools and infrastructure they rely on to cloud-native services. The use of on-prem software is mainly due to legacy or regulatory reasons.

For example, the innovation coming out of Cloud-first FinTech companies compared to the risk-averse old-school banking industry shows what you can do when unshackled from your on-prem mindset. Now you see older banks like Morgan Stanley accelerating their use of the cloud to remain competitive.

Scalability is another area where the cloud excels. Cloud-native software can quickly re-adjust its resources to meet demand. A company experiencing rapid growth can use the cloud to expand its infrastructure and computing power. In contrast, the same company using on-prem infrastructure would have to quickly invest in more hardware, software, and Engineers to keep up with rapid growth. On-prem software cannot compete with Cloud-native software in terms of scalability and flexibility.

Cloud providers are driven to focus on security as their business and reputation depend on providing a robust and secure service. As a result, cloud providers use highly sophisticated security tools and resources beyond the reach of most in-house teams.

Some vendors offer their on-prem software on Cloud platforms. However, these legacy offerings were not designed to run on a Cloud platform or architected to take advantage of the paradigm shift that cloud computing enables. You are left with effectively paying on the double for the same on-prem software, just running in a virtual machine in the Cloud. These Frankenstein hybrid software solutions inherit the same scale and distribution problems as their on-prem alternatives.

Cloud-native software works in tandem with Cloud Infrastructure- secure, fully distributed workloads, fault tolerance, and thanks to containers, it can move from cloud to cloud with ease and scale in or out rapidly.

I used 10g arrowroot powder and it turned out perfect. I also used granulated monk fruit in place of sugar and it stabilized the meringue just like sugar does! That substitution also saves you 120 calories and in my opinion tastes very similar to sucrose sugar.

We watched the movie Clouds last night and felt it was appropriate to make cloud bread. Great recipe and great instructions. We wanted a sweeter taste so I added a 1/4 tsp of watermelon oil and it was perfect. We also added blue food coloring and shaped it into a heart for Zach Sobiech the person the movie Clouds is about. Thanks for sharing the recipe!!

Just cloud is just storage space in the cloud that you upload files that can be shared by various devices, you pay for it by subscription. The important part to remember is that it is a files and folders system, much the same as putting files on and taking them off a hard drive that is shared by everything.

iCloud is a free service with a free 5 GB of storage (ample for many), you still store your files on it and share them between your various devices, but files are accessed through the application rather than a folder system, just as you would on an iOS device. It is also used to keep much of your personal information such as contacts, calendars etc in sync between all your devices, it also includes a free IMAP mail account.

I transferred all my files to my new mac and each folder on my desktop has a cloud with an arrow pointing downwards next to the folder's name. I have tried clicking on it, manually downloading the folders, but the cloud icon won't go away. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you :)

In the most common type of cloud-to-ground lightning (CG), a channel of negative charge, called a stepped leader, will zigzag downward in roughly 50-yard segments in a forked pattern. This stepped leader is invisible to the human eye, and shoots to the ground in less time than it takes to blink. As it nears the ground, the negatively charged stepped leader causes streamer channels of positive charge to reach upward, normally from taller objects in the area, such as a tree, house, or telephone pole. When the oppositely-charged leader and streamer connect, a powerful electrical current begins flowing. This return stroke current of bright luminosity travels about 60,000 miles per second back towards the cloud. A negative CG flash consists of one or perhaps as many as 20 return strokes. We see lightning flicker when the process rapidly repeats itself several times along the same path. The actual diameter of the lightning channel current is one to two inches, surrounded by a region of charged particles. e24fc04721

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