
Movie Recommendations

-In case you feel like watching a movie but have no idea which one to watch-

>> Comedies

Sunny/써니/阳光姐妹淘 (2011)

One of the best Korean comedian movie ★★★★★

Memories of Matsuko/嫌われ松子の一生/被嫌弃的松子的一生 (2006)

My favorite Japanese movie ★★★★★

Citizen Dog/หมานคร/大狗民 (2004)

My favorite Thai movie ★★★★★


Devils on the Door Dtep/鬼子来了(2000)

Everything is about war but the war itself★★★★★

The Seven Samurai/七人の侍/七武士(1954)

One of the best Japanese movies★★★★★