AI for families

... a page for parents, designers and policymakers

Safeguarding the children is a paramount responsibility for parents of the digital generation. Our recent research has repeated confirmed parents' concerns of children's online safety and data privacy, however, our research also shows that most parents' concerns have been misplaced, partially due to the lack of efficient technological tools to support them.

The AI for Families project has the following four missions:

  • Assess the current market support for parents and identify critical design gaps

  • Implement new tools to empower parents with new challenges arising from the use of AI in children's life

  • Collect empirical evidence regarding parents' needs in the age of AI

  • Convey critical research evidences to policymakers and industrial innovators, to create a better, more respectful and inclusive AI society for all

Our AI for children project focuses on creating a landscape understanding about the use of AI in different parts of children's life, and how these technologies affect them; while this project particuarly focuses on supporting parents, in the family setting, helping parents to be more informed about AI-based persuasive designs in their children's life.

For parents and guardians, we highly recommend a read of the Digital Childhood report published by the 5Rights Foundation (2017) and the UNICEF AI for Children report (2020).

For researchers and designers, we would to draw your attention to our recent market research about how parents are supported and the critical gaps.

design for RTC - Respect, Transparency & communication

design for more respect of autonomy & less restrictive control/monitoring

Design for transparency & feedback

design for communication support