Zhang Junyu

Assistant Professor

Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management

National University of Singapore

Office: E1-08-10, NUS, Singapore        

Email: junyuz@nus.edu.sg

My google scholar: Zhang Junyu

Research Interest:

HiringCurrently, I'm looking for one Ph.D. student and one postdoctoral researcher.  

For the Ph.D. student, background from mathematics, computer science, and statistics are favored, as my recent research projects are mostly theory oriented. If you are interested in my research topics listed above and you have good math & coding skill, please contact me. If you have matching background but you are unfamiliar with what my research is, you are also welcome to contact and discuss with me. 

For the postdoctoral position, I'm looking for researchers who are familiar with reinforcement learning or optimization topics such as saddle point problem or stochastic optimization. If you are working on other topics and you believe that your research may have connection with my research area, you are also welcome to contact me and have a discussion. 

Selected Journal Paper:

Selected Conference Proceedings: