Junior Integrable Probability Seminar

Junior Integrable Probability Seminar

The Junior Integrable Probability Seminar is a series of talks taking place online and involving young researchers working in Integrable Probability and related fields. This initiative springs out as a response to the global crisis we are currently living in. Apart from that this is also a great opportunity to bring together like minded people for possible collaboration and give visibility to junior researchers.

Seminar Plan

This online seminar is geared towards junior participants (graduate students and postdocs). We plan to meet once a week via Zoom, with date and time decided depending on the necessities of the speaker. Zoom links will be provided one or two days before each talk! The talks will be longer than in an usual physical conference and we expect them to last around : 1h-1h 30 min. All the talks will be posted online in Youtube. Check here.

Guidelines for audience during zoom talks

  1. Please keep your account muted unless you are asking questions.

  2. In case you want to ask a question, either raise hand or unmute yourself.

  3. Feel free to use chat box for minor discussions.

Mailing List

If you want to be added to the mailing list please fill out the form at this link. Please mention in the form if you intend to give a talk in the seminar. Intended speakers will be contacted privately to submit the abstract and the title of their talk.


Sayan Das (Columbia University) and Matteo Mucciconi (Tokyo Institute of Technology) .