Junior Analysis Seminar

The Junior Analysis Seminar is a graduate student seminar, organized by Billy Duckworth and Chad Berner, in the Mathematics Department at Iowa State University. It is dedicated to all aspects of Mathematical Analysis such as PDE, Harmonic Analysis, Functional Analysis, Probability, Data Science, Logic, Applied Math, Numerical Analysis, etc.  In particular, it is a seminar for and by students, providing a welcoming space for students to practice their ability to present mathematics. 

We are currently looking for the potential speakers. If you are a graduate student at Iowa State University, working in an area related to Analysis in Math, Applied Math, Statistics, Engineering, or any other related field, and want to give a talk in this Seminar, then please contact Billy Duckworth or Chad Berner.  

Organizers :  Billy Duckworth (wmd3@iastate.edu), Chad Berner (cberner@iastate.edu)

Previous Organizers: Mitch Haeuser, Kean Fallon, Animesh Biswas, Mary Vaughan  

Info : The seminar will run on Fridays from 2:15pm-3:10pm in Carver 401 at Iowa State University. Talks will be no longer than 50 minutes including questions.  Please check the schedule for the details about talks and speakers.