Junho Yang 

Assistant Research Fellow in the Institute of Statistical Science at Academia Sinica

Contact Information

Institute of Statistical Science, No. 128, Academia Rd. Sect. 2, Taipei 115, Taiwan.

Email: junhoyang.stat (at) gmail.com; junhoyang (at) stat.sinica.edu.tw

Main office: +886-2-2783-5611

About me

Hi, I am a (tenure-track) assistant research fellow in the Institute of Statistical Science at Academia Sinica.  

My research interests include, but not restricted to

If you are interested in working with me, please send me an email (applications for RA and Postdoc positions are welcome).

Papers and Preprints (Google Scholar)


"A new spectral method in time series analysis". Ph.D. dissertation, Texas A&M University, 2021. [link]

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