Junho Yang
Assistant Research Fellow in the Institute of Statistical Science at Academia Sinica
Contact Information
Institute of Statistical Science, No. 128, Academia Rd. Sect. 2, Taipei 115, Taiwan.
Email: junhoyang.stat (at) gmail.com; junhoyang (at) stat.sinica.edu.tw
Main office: +886-2-2783-5611
About me
Hi, I am a (tenure-track) assistant research fellow in the Institute of Statistical Science at Academia Sinica.
My research interests include, but not restricted to
spatial point processes,
time series analysis,
and applied probability focusing on the spectral properties of Toeplitz matrices.
I am seeking a full-time RA (at any level) or a Postdoctoral Scholar working on the topic of spatial point processes. If you are interested, please send me an email with your CV and the contact information of one reference (for master's level or below) or two references (for doctoral level or above). See the job description.
"Fourier analysis of spatial point processes". 2024. (with Yongtao Guan)(Submitted)[arXiv]
"Local approximations of inverse block Toeplitz matrices and Baxter-type theorems for long-memory processes". 2023. (with Akihiko Inoue) (Submitted)[arXiv]
"On minimum contrast method for multivariate spatial point processes". 2023. (with Lin Zhu, Mikyoung Jun, and Scott Cook)(Submitted)[arXiv]
"On the edge eigenvalues of the precision matrix of the nonstationary autoregressive processes". Advances in Applied Probability (to appear). 2025. [arXiv]
"On the asymptotic behavior of a finite section of the optimal causal filter". Bernoulli. 2024. [journal][arXiv]
"A prediction perspective on the Wiener-Hopf equations for time series". Journal of Time Series Analysis. 2023. (with Suhasini Subba Rao) [journal][arXiv]
"Reconciling the Gaussian and Whittle Likelihood with an application to estimation in the frequency domain". Annals of Statistics. 2021. (with Suhasini Subba Rao) [journal][arXiv][blogpost]
"Spectral methods for small sample time series: A complete periodogram approach". Journal of Time Series Analysis. 2021. (with Sourav Das and Suhasini Subba Rao) [journal][arXiv][software]
"Evaluating the relationship between lightning and the large-scale environment and its use for lightning prediction". Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2021. (with Montana Etten-Bohm, Courtney Schumacher, and Mikyoung Jun) [journal]
"Predictive Statistical representations of observed and simulated rainfall using generalized linear models". Journal of Climate. 2019. (with Mikyoung Jun, Courtney Schumacher, and R. Saravanan) [journal]
"A new spectral method in time series analysis". Ph.D. dissertation, Texas A&M University, 2021. [link]
Upcoming Visits / Presentations
[Dec. 2024] IASC-ARS Interim Conference @National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
[Dec. 2024] CFE-CMStatistics 2024 (Remotely attending).
[Aug. 2025] EcoSta 2025 @Waseda University, Japan.
Grants and Awards
Current Grants
Academia Sinica Grant P.I., Title: Modeling large nonstationary event data in space and time (中文 : 大型時空非平穩事件資料之統計建模), 2025/1~2029/12.
Taiwan NSTC Grant P.I., Title: Frequency domain approaches for spatial point processes (中文 : 空間點過程的頻域方法), 2024/8 ~ 2025/07.
Selected Honors and Awards
Career Development Award (前瞻計畫), Academia Sinica, 2025.
Ta-You Wu Memorial Award (吳大猷先生紀念獎), National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Taiwan, 2024.
KISS Career Development Award (Honorable Mention), Korean International Statistical Society (KISS), 2021
Emanuel Parzen Graduate Research Fellowship Award, Texas A&M University, 2019