Is user feedback always informative?
Retrieval Latent Defending for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation without Source Data

Junha Song1,2  Tae Soo Kim2  Junha Kim2  Gunhee Nam2  Thijs Kooi2  Jaegul Choo1

1KAIST   2Lunit Inc.

The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2024

[📖 arXiv]

Updating Soom




Experimental Results



  title={Is user feedback always informative? Retrieval Latent Defending for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation without Source Data},

  author={Junha Song and Tae Soo Kim and Junha Kim and Gunhee Nam and Thijs Kooi and Jaegul Choo},

  booktitle={The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},

