Digital Image Processing

The dawn of digital computers in large-scale, have made digital image processing one of the most rapidly developing fields in the world of Technology. Starting in space programs, now image processing has found much more extensive use in the areas such as medicine, biology, industrial automation, law enforcement, defense and intelligence. With the progress made in multimedia these days, digital image processing finds more wide applications. It has become a crucial part of our digital life.

This course is mainly developed for the final year Electronics, Mechatronics and Avionics Engineering students. The course is designed to delve into realm of image processing enabling the students to grasp the introductory theoretical as well as practical concepts of Digital Image Processing. Students would be encouraged to develop the image processing tools on MATLAB from scratch, rather than using existing library functions. Students will also get an opportunity to familiarize with OpenCV image processing library.

Lecture Slides:

DIP 001.pdf
DIP 002.pdf
DIP 003.pdf
DIP 004.pdf