Jumoke Academy COVID-19 Info Center

Everything you need to know about re-opening our schools for Fall 2020-2021

The Office of Early Childhood (OEC) requirements for group size and mask wearing (found in Memo #29) are part of a system of supports to protect the health and safety of children and staff. New recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guided these requirements.

Los requisitos de la Oficina de la Primera Infancia de Connecticut (OEC) en relación con el tamaño de los grupos y el uso de mascarillas (que se encuentran en el comunicado nro. 29) son parte de un sistema de apoyos para proteger la salud y la seguridad de los niños y el personal. Las nuevas recomendaciones de la American Academy of Pediatrics y de los Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades) sirvieron de guía para elaborar estas pautas.

Find out where and when families can pick up meals for all who are distance learning.

Jumoke Academy Reopening Plan

Monthly Minutes with Monroe Parent Q&A and info sessions!

Share your questions and concerns, submit questions for our Monthly Minutes with Monroe info sessions

Please let us know which way your child will be attending school this fall: Face to face or Virtually.