Pablo Let's Go Bar!

Pablo Let's Go Bar

PLGB is an adventure-like FPS game with multiple levels with escalating difficulty with the main player you having to fight through the levels & control your heroes with their own unique ability & pick up new weapons that drop from enemies with being able to also upgrade them throughout the level. This game is also Multiplayer & is able to handle up to 4 players at once.


Pablo Let's Go Bar

PLGB was made with the help of the applications & people below:

Game Engine: Unity 2019.4.20f1

Programming Languages: C# & JavaScript

Cloud: Heroku | Database: MongoDB | Platform: NodeJS, Express| API: Postman & Unity

This project is made from the Studio 3 Team which consist of:

Project Manager: Aniketh

Programmers: Alwin, Aniketh, Aryan, Juma, Vishnu

Art: Alwin